رئيس وزراء الهند يستقبل رئيس الأمانة في مقر إقامته في مستهل زيارته الرسمية للقاهرة
- الأخبار والبيانات
قال السيد ناريندا مودي رئيس الوزراء الهندي: “نقدر ما تضطلعون به في مصر والعالم من إيصال سماحة الإسلام في وقت تزداد فيه التحديات من حولنا”.
وأضاف أنه كان يتابع زيارة فضيلة المفتي الأخيرة للهند يومًا بيوم، مؤكدًا أن الزيارة بعثت برسالة محبة وسلام لجميع الشعب الهندي من أرض الحضارة والعلم.
جاء ذلك خلال استقبال سيادته لفضيلة المفتي في مقر إقامته بالقاهرة في مستهل زيارته الرسمية للقاهرة، حيث وجَّه فضيلة المفتي الشكر لمعالي رئيس الوزراء الهندي على زيارته لمصر بعد زيارة فخامة الرئيس السيسي للهند.
وقال سيادته: “سنساعد في إنشاء مركز للدعم التكنولوجي في دار الإفتاء المصرية إيمانًا منا بضرورة استعانة القيادات الدينية بأحدث ما توصلت إليه التكنولوجيا لضمان إيصال الرسالة الدينية الصحيحة”.
وأضاف أن الهند تؤمن بدَور الدين في تعزيز قيم السلام والتعاون والوئام بين الناس كافة، مشيرًا إلى أن الهند قدمت نموذجًا للعالم يبرز أهمية احترام التعددية الدينية والعِرقية والثقافية.
وقدم رئيس الوزراء الهندي دعوة جديدة إلى فضيلة المفتي لزيارة الهند، مؤكدًا: “سوف أصطحب فضيلتكم لزيارة بعض الأماكن التاريخية التي أشرفت على ترميمها”.
من جانبه قال فضيلة الأستاذ الدكتور شوقي علام، مفتي الجمهورية رئيس الأمانة العامة لدور وهيئات الإفتاء في العالم: إن زيارتي الأخيرة للهند كشفت عن قرب القواسم المشتركة بين الشعبين الكبيرين المصري والهندي في العيش المشترك والمواطنة وسيادة القانون.
وأكد فضيلته على دَور الدين الصحيح في إحلال السلام والتقارب بين الشعوب وأنه لم يكن أبدًا سببًا في زرع الفتن والشقاق.
وأضاف فضيلة المفتي أنَّ هناك جماعات دينية انحرفت بتعاليم الأديان لتحقيق مصالح خاصة ودورنا هو كشف عوار هذه الجماعات.
وتابع فضيلته: “لاحظنا أن الفتوى محركة لأغلب الجماعات الإرهابية؛ لذا اتخذنا التدابير الوقائية والعلاجية حتى تظل الفتوى محققة للاستقرار المجتمعي والسلام العالمي”.
وأكد فضيلته على دَور دار الإفتاء في تحقيق التنسيق والتشاور بين كبار المفتين حول العالم حتى تسود قيم السلام والتعايش السلمي بيننا جميعًا.
وأشار فضيلة المفتي إلى أن الفتاوى التي أصدرتها دار الإفتاء المصرية تصبُّ جميعها في تحقيق الاستقرار المجتمعي، سواء ما يتعلق بحقوق المرأة أو علاقة المسلم بغير المسلم أو غيرها من القضايا الحياتية.
كما وجَّه فضيلته الشكر والتقدير للسفارة الهندية بالقاهرة نظير دورها الإيجابي في تعزيز التعاون المشترك بين مصر والهند وللتنسيق الكبير مع دار الإفتاء المصرية بشأن الملفات ذات الاهتمام المشترك.
Prime Minister of India receives the Grand Mufti of Egypt during his State visit to Egypt.
Mr. Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, said, “We appreciate what you do in Egypt and the world to convey the message peace and peaceful coexistence at a time when challenges around us are increasing.”
He added that he closely followed the Grand Mufti’s recent visit to India, emphasizing that the visit sent a positive message.
This came during HE meeting of the Grand Mufti in Cairo, who where the Grand Mufti thanked the Prime Minister of India for his visit to Egypt following the visit of President Sisi of Egypt to India.
His Excellency said, “We will help establish a technology support center at the Egyptian Fatwa House, believing in the necessity for religious leaders to utilize the latest technology to ensure the delivery of the correct religious message.”
He added that India believes in the role of religion in promoting the values of peace, cooperation, and harmony among all people, pointing out that India has provided a model for the world on the importance of respecting religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity.
The Indian Prime Minister extended a new invitation to the Grand Mufti to visit India, stating, “I will desire Your Eminence to visit some of the historical sites that have been restored under my supervision.”
On his part, the Grand Mufti, Professor Dr. Shawki Allam, the Grand Mufti of the Republic and the Secretary-General of the Council of Senior Scholars and Religious Institutions in the World, said that his recent visit to India revealed the close commonalities between the great Egyptian and Indian peoples in coexistence, citizenship, and the rule of law.
He affirmed the role of correct religion in achieving peace and rapprochement among peoples, never being a cause for sowing discord and division.
The Grand Mufti added that there are religious groups that deviated from the teachings of religions to achieve their own interests, and our role is to expose the distortions of these groups.
He continued, “We have noticed that fatwas are driving most terrorist groups, so we have taken preventive and remedial measures to ensure that fatwas contribute to societal stability and global peace.”
He emphasized the role of the Fatwa House in achieving coordination and consultation among senior muftis around the world to promote the values of peace and peaceful coexistence among all of us.
The Grand Mufti also pointed out that the fatwas issued by the Egyptian Fatwa House all aim to achieve societal stability, whether it relates to women’s rights, the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims, or other life issues.
He expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Indian Embassy in Cairo for its positive role in enhancing cooperation between Egypt and India and for the great coordination with the Egyptian Fatwa House on matters of common interest.
Prime Minister of India receives the Grand Mufti of Egypt during his State visit to Egypt.
Mr. Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, said, “We appreciate what you do in Egypt and the world to convey the message peace and peaceful coexistence at a time when challenges around us are increasing.”
He added that he closely followed the Grand Mufti’s recent visit to India, emphasizing that the visit sent a positive message.
This came during HE meeting of the Grand Mufti in Cairo, who where the Grand Mufti thanked the Prime Minister of India for his visit to Egypt following the visit of President Sisi of Egypt to India.
His Excellency said, “We will help establish a technology support center at the Egyptian Fatwa House, believing in the necessity for religious leaders to utilize the latest technology to ensure the delivery of the correct religious message.”
He added that India believes in the role of religion in promoting the values of peace, cooperation, and harmony among all people, pointing out that India has provided a model for the world on the importance of respecting religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity.
The Indian Prime Minister extended a new invitation to the Grand Mufti to visit India, stating, “I will desire Your Eminence to visit some of the historical sites that have been restored under my supervision.”
On his part, the Grand Mufti, Professor Dr. Shawki Allam, the Grand Mufti of the Republic and the Secretary-General of the Council of Senior Scholars and Religious Institutions in the World, said that his recent visit to India revealed the close commonalities between the great Egyptian and Indian peoples in coexistence, citizenship, and the rule of law.
He affirmed the role of correct religion in achieving peace and rapprochement among peoples, never being a cause for sowing discord and division.
The Grand Mufti added that there are religious groups that deviated from the teachings of religions to achieve their own interests, and our role is to expose the distortions of these groups.
He continued, “We have noticed that fatwas are driving most terrorist groups, so we have taken preventive and remedial measures to ensure that fatwas contribute to societal stability and global peace.”
He emphasized the role of the Fatwa House in achieving coordination and consultation among senior muftis around the world to promote the values of peace and peaceful coexistence among all of us.
The Grand Mufti also pointed out that the fatwas issued by the Egyptian Fatwa House all aim to achieve societal stability, whether it relates to women’s rights, the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims, or other life issues.
He expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Indian Embassy in Cairo for its positive role in enhancing cooperation between Egypt and India and for the great coordination with the Egyptian Fatwa House on matters of common interest.